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Adapting to Mobile Devices in the Workplace: DSE Regulations and Best Practices

Introduction to Mobile Device Usage in Professional Settings

With the increasing integration of mobile devices in both professional and personal spheres, understanding the best practices and implications for Display Screen Equipment (DSE) usage is crucial.

2003 DSE Regulation Updates

The 2003 DSE regulations update accommodated technological advancements, enhancing risk understanding and control measures. This update specifically addressed the rising use of laptops and other mobile devices in work settings.

Challenges with Portable Devices

The ergonomic constraints of laptops, or 'portables', pose a unique challenge to DSE regulations, particularly regarding their prolonged use without proper docking stations.

Mobile Devices and Work Flexibility

Mobile devices like tablets and smartphones facilitate work flexibility, allowing employees to work from virtually any location. This has led to the popularisation of the 'bring your own device' (BYOD) concept.

Employer-Supported Applications

Employers often provide applications that enable employees to use personal devices for work tasks, balancing productivity with ergonomic considerations.

Risk Assessments for Mobile Devices

Employers must consider whether risk assessments are necessary for portable devices, taking into account their usage patterns and the mobile nature of the workforce.

Training and Advice for Portable DSE Usage

Providing training on using portable devices, including setup, docking station use, reporting discomfort, and managing risks, is vital for employee wellbeing.

Potential Risks and Solutions

Risks associated with mobile device use include musculoskeletal problems, visual fatigue, and stress. Limiting tasks on work-provided tablets might be a feasible solution to mitigate these risks.

Future of Work and Mobile Devices

The rise in tablet and mobile device usage signals a shift towards more flexible work models, moving away from traditional dedicated workstations and embracing a more dynamic work environment.


As technology continues to evolve, adapting workplace practices to include mobile devices while ensuring ergonomic safety is imperative for modern businesses.